your partner for a more beautiful tomorrow

uplift yourself, team and business with advocate and gifted strategist torin lee

how we work together

  • 1:1 Consulting

    You're an entrepreneur who is passionate about transforming the way they do business. Whether it’s gaining awareness of your own patterns in leadership to make changes for more fulfillment, alignment and success or addressing in-house team dynamics, 1:1 consulting is where we go deep for real and enduring change from YOU outward.

  • Business / team consulting

    Bringing together spiritual intuitive gifts with 20+ years business acumen in industries such as healthcare, pharma, and more, I have a knack for bringing teams together in a way that allows for all of their gifts to shine. Conflicts, unconscious racial, cultural and sex biases are openly addressed and acknowledged, for a stronger, more conscious team with more practical knowledge and strength to solve real-time conflict.


    You’re launching a new program, consolidating departments, acquiring a partner or are at a crossroads with a change in leadership or organization. I work skillfully with you to address the discomfort (and, fear) and opportunities that change brings within teams and leadership for a smooth and inspiring transition. I also aid with leadership alignment to empower leaders to lead with integrity and authenticity.

All my offerings are bespoke, based on what support is empowering to you and on a timeline that aligns with what you truly need. 

dream it

• change •

shift it•


become it

dream it • change • shift it• CREATE it • become it •

my secret gifts

  • Turning conflicts into conscious opportunities for growing in resiliency, resolution, revealment and new perspectives.

  • As a gifted intuitive of over 20+ years communications and change management experience - I read the room and landscape in a unique way that helps you succeed.  

  • Bringing people into balance; through energy work we address energetic imbalances that are affecting the way you are showing up in life and business. 

  • An uncanny ability to address the elephants in the room (sexism, racism and the shadow conflicts, traumas and desires) into opportunities for more truth, openness and clarity.

  • Oftentimes there’s a disconnect between who we want to be and how we actually are / how we’re actually behaving. I am here to aid you in illuminating and integrating this cognitive dissonance in order to create real change so you can show up as the leader you truly are.